Cody Fagley

Software Architect

phone: (307)272-9065
Selected STEM Projects
Xita Control System is an ambitious attempt to provide intrinsic security for industrial embedded devices (IIoT).

Xita produces freestanding (OS-independent) assembly code with guaranteed protection from:
  • Memory Buffer Overflow
  • Physical Side Channels
  • Microarchitecture Data Sampling
Users can write Xita-compliant code with functional programming syntax or using a graphical interface.
Fibonacci Sequence (Click Me!)

Graphical Coding Interface
While consulting in October 2019, I ported python bindings for Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL).

The Efficient RANSAC algorithm reads an arbitrary list of points in 3d space to determine the best set of 2d shapes (faces). The 2d shapes together form an interactable 3d object (mesh).

Specifically, I provided Python libraries with equivalent functions/features to CGAL's 3d shape detection library (C++).

Note: These used "Efficient RANSAC" algorithm and do not provide implementations for "Region Growing".
MouseVision combines facial recognition software (OpenCV) with voice recognition libraries (CMU Sphinx) to enable users to control their computer mouse cursor without use of their hands.

Users simply need a webcam and microphone to use this driver. MouseVision uses OpenCV to track users' eyes, triggering movement in the computer's mouse cursor.

Once active, users can issue commands through their microphone such as:
  • "Left Click"
  • "Right Click"
(Co-developers: Mark Gradecki, Shane Firnekas, and Wyatt Horner)
Facial Tracker (OpenCV)

While studying chemical engineering, I verified that basic (pH) venom from Water Moccasin (Agkistrodon Piscivorus) inhibits generation of blood clotting agents in the same way that more acidic varients of Agkistrodon snakes do.

It was determined that basic Agkistrodon venom does indeed inhibit prothrombin conversion.

Although Water Moccasin venom can be localized and effectively acts as an anticoagulant, it is not currently cost efficient compared to existing alternatives.

Lane 1 (left-most) depicts thrombin generated normally with coagulation factor Xa. Lane 2 depicts prothrombin's reaction to the snake venom (most prominently in the lowest ring). The other lanes are used for control.

Click here to close dialog

Click here to close dialog
Business Development
Cash Flow

Click here to close dialog
Professional Experience
Codeus Tech
Feb. 2017 - Present
Codeus Tech builds an alternative foundation for secure, high-assurance embedded (IoT) devices.

Their flagship product includes a proprietary programming language that can be developed either graphically or with functional (Haskell-like) syntax.

Xita Control System (XCS) eliminates several low-level security holes such as memory buffer overflow, microarchitecture data sampling, and several physical side-channels.
Role & Duties
Years 1-2
  • Verified subsystem designs in OCaml and Rust for use in new programming language
  • Planned and prototyped OS-independent programming language (XCSL) for x86_64 and AArch64 chips
  • Recruited team of elite University professors as subcontractors for high-value grants
  • Led employees in firmware, compiler, and OS development
Years 3-4
  • Built budgets of various sizes and estimated cash flow/ROI
  • Authored and submitted 10+ federal grants
  • Pursued funds from investors, VCs, and strategic partners
  • Primary author on non-provisional utility patent
Teton Simulation
Consultant (UI/UX)
Oct. 2019 - Feb. 2020
Teton Simulation is revolutionizing additive manufacturing with their SmartSlice plugin.

Their novel technology leverages AI to perform virtual analysis and stress testing on 3d printed parts.

SmartSlice effectively optimizes part design for a use-case with applied forces/anchors to ensure the part will not break and material is not needlessly wasted.
Role & Duties
  • Provided Python bindings for standard CGAL libraries which detect 2d faces in 3d point clouds (see Projects #3)

  • Built algorithm for detecting mouse-click face selection for 3d shapes

  • Implemented SmartSlice user interface settings using Python and Qt/Qml

Co-Founder / Software Engineer
June 2016 - May 2017
Site-Seers built websites intended to modernize websites and increase web traffic for downtown businesses on a budget.

During operation, Laramie (Wyoming) had a shortage of local consultants and large demand for cheap websites, so we filled that niche.

We built our own templates from scratch using HTML, CSS, and various Javascript frameworks, depending on customer needs.

I helped form this side hussle during my junior/senior years of computer science.
Role & Duties
  • Led non-aesthetic programming work (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, etc.)

  • Evaluated customer needs to ensure technical work was in scope for our team

  • Accepted requirements from clients and translated into demos

  • Found clients through farmer's markets, cold calls, and direct reach out

  • Worked with graphical artists to ensure a pleasing user experience

Westmoreland Mining
Sys. Admin / Programmer
May - August 2015
I was a summer intern at Westmoreland Coal Company's mine in Jewitt, Texas as a system admin and software engineer.

My main priority was to maintain working optimal IT and OT environments for the computers on property. To do this, I wrote numerous scripts of varying programming language and operating system for automation.

However, this was also the start of my formal cybersecurity training. Coal industry attracts potent cybersecurity threats, and it was my department that resolved server/workstation issues as they arose.
Role & Duties
  • Maintained and serviced industrial servers using Windows Server 2012 and Ubuntu 14.04 operating systems

  • Authored scripts in BASH/Batch for automating tedious engineering/industrial tasks

  • Built specially-tailored features/functions in VisualBasic/LISP for AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel

  • Recorded back-up images of computers on property
    • Restored 200+ computers from ransomware attack

Personal References
David Bohling, PhD
Dave has developed